Digital Transition: Blockchain Technologies, AI, Cloud Engineering, Chat GPT...| Namibia (2023)

The world as we know is becoming a global village. Yes, the future has arrived. And this transformation into digital and innovative technological advances requires generations of highly skilled tech professionals with the necessary technical knowledge. The faculties and fields of study available may not be sufficient to secure and promise a successful future for all Namibian students.

The Deputy Minister of Information and Communication Emma Theofelus highlighted the value of allowing students and learners to explore the in-demand computer and technical fields such as blockchain technologies, artificial intelligence, cloud engineering, Chat GPT, virtual augmented reality, 3D printing, and renewable energy, which may hold jobs in the coming technological era.

Namibian citizens and students are encouraged to pursue fields of study that will provide them with the skills and knowledge required to investigate the country's digital trends. Students, on the other hand, should not only focus on or choose to study technological fields but also those that are in demand in the job market. Those who are able to pursue technical faculties should be enthusiastic about doing so.

Universities, colleges, and other higher education institutions should shift their focus to instilling courses that will be in higher demand for jobs in the future, rather than graduating students and leaving them unemployed. Namibia should not be left behind as radical technological changes sweep across the African continent.

The vice chancellor at Nust, Erold Naomab, said, ''Institutions that are not well engaged with digital transitioning at the highest governing structures might soon be reduced to mere irrelevance.''

As a result, the youth should recognize that there are numerous job and career opportunities just waiting to be discovered. Participating in pointless activities such as wild parties or other pleasurable activities should not deprive the Namibian youth from attaining the skills and knowledge required to secure a job or career during this technological transition.

Source: YouTube

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